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Important Notice: Due to inclement weather, our warehouse will be closed on January 10th. Please be aware of potential carrier delays. Important Notice: Due to inclement weather, our warehouse will be closed on January 10th. Please be aware of potential carrier delays.
Aviso importante:Due to inclement weather, our warehouse will be closed on January 10th. Please be aware of potential carrier delays.
The Heartsaver First Aid CPR AED Instructor Manual eBook is the digital version of the printed Heartsaver First Aid CPR AED Instructor Manual. It includes essential information and Lesson Plans that AHA BLS and Heartsaver Instructors need to teach AHA’s Heartsaver courses, including the classroom and online/blended learning versions of the courses, for both the Heartsaver and Heartsaver Total course paths.
With additional teaching flexibility, the manual also provides sample course paths by audience (Office, Educator) to demonstrate how training can be customized for students.
This product has been updated to reflect the latest science and education from the 2020 Guidelines for CPR & ECC and replaces the previous version (15-3114).
This product is for use by a single BLS or Heartsaver Instructor conducting Heartsaver courses
Libro del instructor
Los libros del instructor contienen lo necesario para impartir los cursos sobre cómo salvar vidas.
Primeros auxilios Heartsaver® RCP DEA
Los cursos Heartsaver First Aid CPR AED capacitan a cualquier persona con poca o sin capacitación médica para brindar primeros auxilios, resucitación cardiopulmonar y utilizar un desfibrilador externo automático (DEA) de manera segura, oportuna y eficaz.