The CPR In Schools: First Aid eBook with streaming video is an educational first aid program designed specifically for schools. Modules can be facilitated by any student or teacher within a class period. The AHA wants everyone to know how to help in an emergency – this easy-to-use program is designed to teach students, teachers, and staff first aid skills in order to be prepared to act.
Se incluye con la compra
Each CPR in Schools: First Aid eBook comes with a supplementary streaming video
Especificaciones del producto
- Format : Digital eBook
CPR in Schools: First Aid eBook is a single eBook that contains a Facilitator Guide, Lesson Plans, and optional pre- and post-tests,
o The pre- and post-tests each have 19 questions and take approximately 5 – 10 minutes to complete
o Both the pre- and post-tests are an optional resource if facilitators want to measure the growth of student knowledge
The CPR in Schools: First Aid eBook with supplementary video is for anyone facilitating a CPR in Schools: First Aid program. It is intended to meet the needs of middle and high school students, teachers, and staff and can be facilitated by anyone.