The PEARS Instructor eCard is the electronic version of the print PEARS Instructor card. It is a valid and more secure alternative to the printed card.
PEARS Instructor eCards are issued by AHA Training Center Coordinators to Instructor Candidates who successfully complete an AHA PEARS Instructor Essentials blended learning course, followed by required course monitoring by PALS Training Center Faculty, and registration on the AHA Instructor Network. eCards are issued through the eCards tool located on the AHA Instructor Network.
PEARS Instructor cards are for those who successfully complete all requirements to become an AHA PEARS Instructor. AHA Instructor eCards may only be issued by Training Center Coordinators.
Course Completion Card
Upon successful completion of training courses students are issued a Course Completion Card. Please note: a valid security ID is required to purchase Course Completion Cards.
Pediatric Emergency Assessment, Recognition and Stabilization...
Pediatric Advanced Emergency Assessment, Recognition and Stabilization (PEARS®) teaches providers who infrequently deal with pediatrics how to use a systematic approach to quickly assess, recognize the cause, and stabilize a pediatric patient in an emergency situation.