The Heartsaver First Aid Student eBook offers a digital alternative to the printed workbook and contains all the information students need to successfully complete the Heartsaver First Aid Course. Designed for a single user, the text is a valuable reference tool before, during, and after the course.
The Heartsaver First Aid Digital Reference Guide (20-3118) is automatically included as a bonus reference tool with the purchase of the Heartsaver First Aid Student eBook.
This product has been updated to reflect the latest science and education from the 2020 Guidelines for CPR & ECC and replaces the previous version (15-3115).
The Heartsaver First Aid Digital Reference Guide (20-3118) is automatically included as a bonus reference tool with the purchase of the Heartsaver First Aid Student eBook.Heartsaver First Aid is designed for anyone with little or no medical training who needs first aid training and a
course completion card for job, regulatory (e.g., OSHA), or other requirements. This course can also be taken by
anyone who wants to be prepared to act in an emergency.
Please refer to ebooks.heart.org for full eBooks technical requirements.
- Associated Course : Heartsaver First Aid
- Format : Digital eBook
- Product Type : Student Manual
Heartsaver First Aid is designed for anyone with little or no medical training who needs first aid training and a course completion card for job, regulatory (e.g., OSHA), or other requirements. This course can also be taken by anyone who wants to be prepared to act in an emergency.